martedì 11 gennaio 2011

carnevale al bauhaus by herbert bayer

venerdì 7 maggio 2010

martedì 16 marzo 2010

giovedì 11 marzo 2010 

martedì 9 marzo 2010

Studiofluo attraverso Piccola bottega della grafica
vuole diffondere e approfondire i temi del visual design.
Per saperne di più:

venerdì 5 marzo 2010

The Libre Graphics Meeting exists to unite and accelerate the efforts behind Free, Libre and Open Source creative software. Since 2006, this annual meeting is the premiere conference for developers, users and supporters of projects such as GIMP, Inkscape, Blender, Krita, Scribus, Hugin, the Open Clipart Library, and the Open Font Library gather to work on interoperability, shared standards, and new ideas. Work at prior LGMs has pushed the state of the art in important areas such as color management, cross-application sharing of assets, and common formats.